Amazing read Pat. God bless you brother

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Permanent government and entrenched politicians have been trying to kill Trump since 2015.

Their first act, after he became president, was to use the intelligence agencies to bring him down by any means possible - with freaks like James Comey hiding behind curtains.

The pee dossier was bandied by the FBI as actual evidence while the Hunter laptop was suppressed.

The politicians attempted to impeach him, TWICE.

For all his humanity, Trump is the closest thing to 'We The People' to appear in Washington DC in ANY CAPACITY for a long, long time.

Instead of simply making false promises, selecting themselves in fake elections and then marching off to DC where they systematically rob the American people, primarily by sending maximum amounts of tax-payer dollars to themselves via war machine and foreign-aid kickback schemes, these monsters that some are foolish enough to consider 'our representation' instead function as members of a death cult masquerading as some drive for utopia via a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, read: COMMUNISM*

Anyone who is surprised or even in doubt, at this late about the raw, raging evil that is our government at every level and their desire to KILL US ALL under the accepted dogma of CLIMATE CHANGE and thus OVERPOPULATION, are either hopelessly brainwashed and nuts themselves or in deep, deep denial about the mountains of evidence before them.

For all with ears to hear and eyes to see, this government has sent a clear message: WE WANT YOU DEAD YOU USELESS EATERS!

Killing the only person in politics who even vaguely represents We The People is a NO-BRAINER!

So who cares really, whether they hatched the plan, executed the plan, pulled the trigger or facilitated conditions to the point of completion: our government and every single member of the Democrat party who has not yet disavowed it are VILE DEMONS.

It's amazing how terrified the upper middle class of the United States of America has traditionally been in regard to cults - they HATE CULTS with a passion and cancel them at every opportunity.

Meanwhile, 2020 and Covid revealed that these people are actually in the largest, most dangerous cult going - a marriage between top corporations, big pharma, the medical industry (and all those suck up 'doctors' who went along to get along during Covid) and finally, massive swaths of permanent government.

They've metastasized the American Dream into some sort of heads down, knees on the ground, pleading obeyance of ANYTHING THEY SAY, including every word we use or don't use, whether or not we can keep our own children and even if we do keep them, what 'sex' they will be.

More terrifying than a gaggle of upper echelon Catholic priests.

More deranged than any Kool-Aid drinking Jim Jones devotee.

More blood-thirsty than a werewolf freshly minted in the cloud-wisped moon.

Your buddy next to you, the 'mainstream' Democrat, and all the infrastructure that manufactures him daily.

They will eventually bite you unless curbed.

So let's not diddle around surmising whether they cleared the decks and took a clear shot at Trump.

That's a silly question.


*really, much, much worse than COMMUNISM, a sort of technologically created micro-hell, maintained 24x7 by a surveillance state so thoroughly weaponized with modern technology you won't be able to as much as smirk without your social credit score (aka ENTIRE LIFE) flickering in the balance.

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Will sent me over this morning. I listened to this cast and will probably follow you for a bit. Interesting digs on the Trump and Kennedy Clans. Thank you.

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